P3-B Operational Trend for Excel(OT)


CTRL Designer LLC



1 Introduction

CTRL Designer LLC (CDL) is a leading provider of SBC state-based control (procedural control) based on ISA106 solutions to the process industries.

Its software portfolio and work processes help process control engineers develop an overall process control design and convert it automatically to the selected control system code. These solutions allow users to make smarter decisions to improve safety, reliability, efficiency, and sustainability.

The products are divided into phases:

  • P1- Industrial Plant Assessment™ (IPA)
  • P2- Level of Automation (LoA) [Service]
  • P3- Operating Trends for Excel™ (OT)
  • P4- Standard Operating Procedure Analyzer™ (SOP)
  • P5-URS-to-FRS-Builder-for-Excel™ (URS)
  • P6-FRS-Engine-for-Excel™ (FRS)
  • P7-ACM-Engine-for-Excel™ (ACM)

The P3- Operating Trends for Excel™ (OT) is reviewed in this section.

2 Operational Trend for Excel(OT) - Part 2

Use the following steps using P3-OT-Operational-Trends Engine to generate:

  1. Divide the Plant to Units
  2. Define major steams connecting units (Manipulating Variables MV)
  3. Define the MV movement defined in the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
  4. Develop MV trends
  5. Develop Dynamic unit to unit interaction
  6. Define the Mode of Operation (MofO) for Plant
  7. Define the Mode of Operation (MofO) for each unit

2.1 CDL Folders

The CDL Package is constructed from the following Folders:

The top folder is called CDL-Product which contains

  • Project
  • Tools

2.1.1 Project Folder

The CDL Project folder contains:

  • CDL-PmName-Project-YYYY
    • PmName is the plant name such as VRT
    • Project is Optional
    • YYYY is the start year is is optional
  • Example is CDL-VRT-2023

The Project folder contains:

  • P1-IPA-Industrial-Plant-Assessment
  • P2-LofA-Level-Of-Automation
  • P3-OT-Operational-Trends
  • P4-SOP-Standard-Operating-Procedure
  • P5-URS-User-Requirement-Specification
  • P6-FRS-Functional-Requirement-Specification
  • P7-ACM-Automatic-Code-Maker

Each of the folders represents a PHASE of the project.

2.1.2 Tools Folder

The CDL Tools folder contains:

  • A-Documentation
  • B-Templates
  • C-CM-CCM-Libraries
  • D-Engines
  • E-Issues

The following folders and tools are used in this document

  • Project Folder: - P3-OT-Operational-Trends
Index Type Value Description
1 File CNTL-Designer-LLC-Copyright-2023.docx Copyright notice
2 Folder OT-01-Inputs User input files
3 Folder OT-02-Reports User generated reports
4 Folder OT-03-Examples CDL generated example
5 Folder ~CDL-P3-Operational-Trend-Builder-for-Excel.xlsm.lnk Shortcut to engine
6 Folder CDL-Engine-Paths.CSV To be used by the Engine

2.2 Step by Step

Please follow these steps

  • Open the Projects folder

  • Open the CDL-VRT-2023 folder

  • Open the P3-OT-Operational-Trends folder

  • Click the shortcut for the engine ~CDL-P3-Operational-Trend-Builder to open Excel file

  • The Program will open in the {ToDo} Sheet.

The program is divided into the following sections:

  1. Import Saved OT Data Sheets
  2. Define PM-UM-EM
  3. Build the Trend Sheet
  4. Build Trend Presentation (PowerPoint)
  5. Build Trend Presentation (PDF)
  6. Build Dynamic Presentation (PowerPoint)
  7. Build Dynamic Presentation (PDF)
  8. Save OT
  9. Run All Reports

2.3 Import Saved OT Data Sheets

Purpose: To select P3-Demo-OT-01-PM-RX-DIST.xlsx* Example file

Please do the following

  1. Select {ToDo} worksheet
  2. Select Project Folder
  • in cell C4 using the pull-down select the third option
    • P3-OT-Operational-Trends\OT-01-Inputs
    • P3-OT-Operational-Trends\OT-02-Reports
    • P3-OT-Operational-Trends\OT-03-Examples
  • Click the [1] Select Folder button
    • Using the file explorer select the Projects**-VRT-2023** folder
  • Click the Yes button
  1. List Files
  • Click the [2] List Files button
  • The program displays the following files starting from row 50

  1. Import a file
  • Add an X in cell A51 to select the P3-Demo-OT-01-PM-RX-DIST.xlsx file
  • Click the [3] Import Selected File button
  1. Review the following sheets
  • Trends
  • Dynamic
  • MV-CV-DV

Theses sheets are described in the section below

2.5 Dynamic

The Dynamics sheet displays the control narrative in a schematic format as shown in below

The MV color code are

  • Gray: Ready Mode
  • Green: Run Mode
  • Red: Shut Down

2.6 Generate Report

The following reports can be generated automatically

  1. Trend
  • PowerPoint
  • PDF
  1. Dynamic
  • PowerPoint
  • PDF

2.9 Generate PowerPoint Dynamic Report

You must have a PowerPoint program installed on your computer.

Review the Dynamic Sheet the print area should be defined as

  • Last Row: 60

  • Last Column: 34

  • Make sure that {ToDo} worksheet cells C29 and C30 are assigned to these numbers.

Do the following steps

  • Click on command [8] Build PPT Dynamic Presentation button

  • Click on the PDF File Name URL

2.10 Generate Dynamic PDF Report

Do the following steps

  • Click on command [9] Build PDF Dynamic Presentation button

  • Click on the PDF File Name URL

3 Develop OT for a Plant Work Process

To develop State-Based Control, the following tasks must be executed: Task Definition Status

  1. Gather and Review Data for the State-Based Control Design
  2. Plan and Generate Plant Level of Automation (LoA) [Optional]
  3. Review Similar Plants
  4. Divide the Plant into Process Units (UM)
  5. Identify the Plant Area within the Plant (optional)
  6. Develop Plant or Plant Area OT
  • Operation Trend,

  • Modes of Operation Matrix,

  • Dynamic Flow-sheets)

  • for: Start-up (S/U), Run, and Controlled Shut Down

  1. Develop Plant/Plant Area OT for Abnormal Situation Management
  2. Select the Units to develop OT

3.1 Gather Data

Gather the following information as input to the SBC development process if available

Index Description Status
1 Process Index Flow-sheets
2 Process Description
3 P&IDs
4 I/O List
5 SOP for Start-up, Run Control shutdown Abnormal Situations
6 Other relevant data

3.2 Plan and Generate Plant Level of Automation (LoA)

This is an optional task (see LoA Documentation)

3.3 Review Similar Plants

Review information from similar plants if available

3.4 Divide the Plant into Process Units (UM)

Please execute the following tasks

  1. Identify major units (distillation, reactor, compressor)

  2. Identify associated equipment (the only purpose is to develop a list of the major equipment (reboiler, pump, condenser)

  3. Starting from feed, move forward until you reach either Major equipment or A point where the stream splits to support more than one piece of major equipment

  4. If the selected portion of the plant needs to be

  • Start-up,

  • Run

  • Shutdown independent of the downstream major equipment, that defines a unit (example Feed system supplying 2 or more reactors)

  1. Identify local recycles (associated equipment) Identify major breakpoints (stream leaving the unit) The area between breakpoints in streams is a unit
  2. Name the unit according to the major equipment it contains if available, or a descriptive name (for example steam header)

Do the following Tasks

  • Draw a simplified overview of the process that shows only major units and
  • key flows between them

This is easier to follow than a typical indexed flowsheet diagram (IFD)

  • Draw Units

  • Draw Major flows (Unit to Unit)

  • Draw major recycle (Unit to Unit not internal to Unit)

  • Add Stream numbers

  • Add normal operation flow rates

3.5 Identify the Plant Area within the Plant (optional)

This is an optional Task

3.6 Step by Step to Build a Plant Operational Trend

3.6.1 Process Definition

This section uses a process defined in the following papers:

1. Reactor separator processes with recycles

2. Design for composition control (Kwo-Liang Wu a, Cheng-Ching Yu a,*, William L. Luyben b, Sigurd Skogestad)

There are three types of variables

  • MV: Manipulated variable - The control program can adjust them within their boundaries (like Flow or Pressure)

  • CV: Controlled Variable - Their valve changes due to MV changes (like Temperature or Level)

  • DV: Disturbance variable - These variable effect the CV (like outside temperature)

In the Plant Module Analysis, we only show the main Manipulated Variables (MV).

The process is simplified as

MV Manipulated Variables Min Max
MV-01 RX Feed 0 1000
MV-02 DIST Feed 0 1000
MV-03 DIST Top Product 0 1000
MV-04 DIST BTM Product 0 1000

The operation has provided the following start-up procedure

3.6.2 Procedure

  1. Starting up
  • Ramp the RX Feed MV-01 very slowly to 920
  • wait till the RX level is about 60
  • Ramp Feed to 460
  • Start the Distillation Feed MV-02 to 920
  • Run Distillation up to Total Reflux (Not shown here)
  • Ramp the Reflux to 1100 (Not shown here)
  • Ramp the Top Product MV-03 and the Bottom Product MV-04 to 460 and 460 respectively
  1. Normal (Run normally)

  2. Shut-down

  • Ramp the RX Feed slowly to 0
  • Ramp the Top Product MV-03 and the Bottom Product MV-04 to 0 and 0 respectively
  • wait until RX Level is at 20% then Ramp the Feed to Distillation MV-02 to 0

3.6.3 Develop Narrative

The above information should be captured in the Narrative Sheet.

3.6.5 Definition of Command

The command is constructed from the following parts:

  • Command , Begin Ramp, End Ramp, Alarm Lo, Alarm Hi

    • Command is from the list below like “Ready” or “R”
    • Begin Ramp is the time (0 to 100) that the ramp start
    • End Ramp is the time (0 to 100) the the ramp will reach it valve (Row 5)
    • Alarm Lo is the Low alarm
    • Alarm HI is the High Alarm

    For Example

  • and with Alarm

The command is the instruction to draw the Trend

Short-Cut Full Description Color
R Ready The variable is at ready mode Gray
S Start-up The variable is staring up Blue
N Normal The variable is at normal operation Green
P Problem The variable has a problem Orange
T Tripped The variable has tripped Red
C Control Shdn The variable is in Controlled shut Down mode Purple
M Manual The variable is in Manual Mode Orange

3.6.6 How to develop the {Trend} sheet

Do the following steps

  1. Select {User-MCD-Tasks} worksheet

  2. Erase Row 2 and all of the rows below

  3. Add the following MV, CV and DV information

  4. Add the range for each variable

  5. Add task name in Row 1 and commands for each Variable

  6. Fill in the table

  7. Select {ToDo} worksheet

  8. Click the [5] Copy User MCD to setup button

  9. Click the [5a] Build Trends button

  10. Select {Trends} worksheet

  11. Click the [Redraw] button

3.6.7 Change {Trend} sheet

Each element of the {Trends} worksheet can be changed manually.

3.6.8 How to develop {Dynamic} worksheet

Please do the following in the {Trends} worksheet:

  1. Click the [Build Dynamic] button

You have 2 options:

  • Yes: It will erase {Dynamic} worksheet and add all MV,CV and DV shapes

  • No: It only add the NEW MV, CV and DV

Let’s select [Yes] option

  1. Select the {Dynamic} worksheet and review the new shapes

  1. Select the {Setup} worksheet

  1. Copy the RX and DIST shapes shown above

  2. Select the {Dynamic} worksheet and paste the selected shape here.

  3. Change the background shape sizes and place them

Each shape has a position for line IN and OUT, please construct the {Dynamic} worksheet

  1. Click on [<] or [>] buttons to change the selected task column

  2. Review {Dynamic} worksheet

  3. Develop Unit OT (Operation Trend, Modes of Operation Matrix, Dynamic Flow-sheets) for: Start-up (S/U) Run Controlled Shut Down

  4. Develop Unit OT for Abnormal Situation Management

  5. Review and consolidate all Unit interactions

  6. Transfer pre-FRS information into the FRS template for Selected Units

Please contact us if you need more information.

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