P6-C Mode of Operation and Steps and Transitions.


CTRL Designer LLC



1 FRS Mode of Operation - Steps and Transitions

The following file is used in this documentation:

  • folder: Projects>>CDL-VRT-2023>>P6-FRS-Functional-Requirement-Specification
  • file: P6-CDL-FRS-01-UmV340-YN-v01a.xlsm

FRS work process is divided into six parts:

Index Description
Part 1 Assign IO to CCM and CM
Part 2 Mode of Operation, Steps and Transitions
Part 3 Build CCM-Steps Matrix
Part 4 Review CCM-Steps Matrix Dynamically
Part 5 Review the pCode and Dictionary
Part 6 Build and Modify DSS and SOP

In this section the Part 2 - Mode of Operation, Steps and Transitions is documented.

1.1 Tasks Summary

The following worksheets in the FRS workbook are reviewed and explained:

  • {C1-ModeOfOPeration}
  • {C2-Steps}
  • {C3-Step-Diagram}
  • {C4-Step-Transitions}

In this section, the following tasks are executed

Index Description Sheet Command
2.1 Define the Mode of Operation (MofO) for Unit C1-ModeOfOPeration
2.2 Define Unit Steps C2-Steps
2.3 Build Step Interaction Matrix C2-Steps [C1] Build Step Matrix and Transitions
2.4 Fill M,A or A/M in Step Interaction Matrix C3-Step-Diagram
2.5 Generate Step Diagram, simulate and review with operation C3-Step-Diagram [C2] Generate Step Diagram
2.6 Add Transition pCode C4-Step-Transitions

1.2 Define the Mode of Operation (MofO) for Unit

Purpose: The purpose of this task is to define the Mode of Operation for this UM.

The mode of operation is divided into three parts

  • Definition - Columns 1 to 3

  • EM Definition - columns 4 to 10

  • Step diagram summary for SOP - columns 11 and more

To Do: Do the following tasks:

  1. Select the {C1-ModeOfOperation} worksheet
  2. Review the columns
Col Value Note
1 Issues Issue: A place holder to document issues
2 MofO Name

Alias for the Mode of Operation, Like:



Run or


3 Description Description of the Mode of Operation
4 EM Priority Logic [DSS] EM Priority Logic (refer to EM Documentation)
5 EM Failure [DSS] EM Failure Logic (refer to EM Documentation)
6 EM Problem [DSS] EM Problem Logic (refer to EM Documentation)
7 EM Priority Logic [DSS] EM Priority pCode (refer to EM Documentation)
8 EM Failure [DSS] EM Failure pCode (refer to EM Documentation)
9 EM Problem [DSS] EM Problem pCode (refer to EM Documentation)
  1. Review the Operation Trends (OT) for UmV340
  2. Select the {ToDo} sheet and please add the following information
Task Variable Value
2.1 Type UM or EM [v] UM
2.2 UM Name UmV340
2.3 UM Description Plant Storage
2.4 Plant Name CDL
  1. Select the {C1-ModeOfOperation} sheet and please add the following information
Row MofO Name Description
2 UmV340_MoO_Ready Ready -Unit is ready
3 UmV340_MoO_Prepare Prepare
4 UmV340_MoO_Run Run
5 UmV340_MoO_Stop Stop

1.3 Define Unit Steps

Purpose: The purpose of this task is to define the Steps for this UM.

To Do: Do the following tasks:

  1. Select the {C2-Steps} worksheet
  2. Review the columns
N Value Note
1 Issues Issue: A place holder to document issues
2 Step Number An integer defining step number like:100, 105, Etc.
3 MofO Mode of operation for this step.
4 Step Abbreviation Step Abbreviation Use Capital letter
5 Step Description Step Description
6 Step Tag Step Tag Name-Generated from Unit Name (ToDo Sheet)
7 Hold True: Step can be put on hold
8 Jump True- Operator can jump from this step to another
9 Step pCode for P0 Step pCode for block p0 Execute when entering step
10 Step pCode for N Step pCode for block pN Execute at every cycle
11 Step pCode for P1 Step pCode for block p1 Execute when exiting step
12 Step Code for P0 Step Code for block p0 Execute when entering step
13 Step Code for N Step Code for block pN Execute at every cycle
14 Step Code for P1 Step Code for block p1 Execute when exiting step
  1. add the following data
Step Number MofO Step Abbreviation Step Description
100 Ready MW Maintenance Wait
105 Ready PW Process Wait
110 Prepare FILL Fill
115 Prepare RCYL Recycle
120 Run RUN Run
125 Stop SD Shut Down

1.4 Build Step Interaction Matrix

Purpose: The purpose of this step is generate the {C3-Step-Diagram} worksheet.

To Do: Do the following tasks:

  1. Select the {C2-Steps} worksheet

  2. Press CTRL + T keys then click option C1

  3. Review the {C3-Step-Diagram} worksheet

1.5 Fill M,A or A/M in Step Interaction Matrix

Purpose: The purpose of this step is to add Transition mode to the {C3-Step-Diagram} worksheet.

To Do: Do the following tasks:

  1. Select the {C3-Step-Diagram} worksheet

    • A: Automate
    • M: Manual (Needed Operator Approval)
    • A/M: Automate or Manual
  2. add A or M or A/M in the Interaction Matrix

    • For example if M is added in cell R2C8 it means the Transition from MW to PW is set to Manual

    • The upper diagonal matrix will move to a step below the selected step (forward move)

    • the lower diagonal matrix will move to step to above the selected step (backward move)

  3. Add the following data

  4. Press CTRL + T keys then click option C2

    Note that Steps represented by rectangular boxes and Transition with round rectangle.

  5. The transition can be displayed

    • Normal (as shown above)

    • Reduced (as shown below)

  6. the Step diagram can be drawn into two different modes

  • SBC: Based on SBC from ISA106
  • S88: Based on SqBC from ISA106

The Transition and Step type are defined in the {ToDo} worksheet

  • Transition Type

  • Diagram Mode

1.6 Add Transition pCode

Purpose: The purpose of this step is to add Transition pCode {C4-Transitions} worksheet.

To Do: Do the following tasks:

  1. Select the {C4-Transitions} worksheet

  2. Add the following code

Transition-Name Transition-Type Additional Logic
UmV340_MW_PW M [ALL_DO] and [ALL_DI = False] and [ALL_AO =“MAN”] And [ALL_CNTL =“MAN”]
UmV340_PW_MW M
UmV340_FILL_RCYL A/M (Level > 50) OR (Level < 90)
UmV340_RCYL_RUN A (Level > 75 OR UmV340_FILL_RCYL__Timer > 300)
UmV340_RCYL_SD A/M Level > 95
UmV340_RUN_SD A/M (Level < 5 OR Level > 95 OR PumpPower > 25)
UmV340_SD_PW M [ALL_DO] and [ALL_DI = False] and [ALL_AO =“MAN”] And [ALL_CNTL =“MAN”]

Note the meaning of the following:

  • [ALL_DO]: Program will replace this with all DO Tags

  • [ALL_AO]: Program will replace this with all AO Tags

  • [ALL_CNTL]: Program will replace this with all Controller Tags

  • Level: is a generic name and will be replace with Level Tag

Please contact us if you need more information.

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