P6-K Build-Generic EM Part 2


CTRL Designer LLC



1 Build-Generic EM

The following file is used in this documentation:

  • folder: Projects>>CDL-VRT-2023>>P6-FRS-Functional-Requirement-Specification
  • file: P6-CDL-FRS-03b-UmR350-1EM-YN-v01a.xlsm

The FRS work process is divided into six parts:

Index Description
Part 1 Assign IO to CCM and CM
Part 2 Mode of Operation, Steps and Transitions
Part 3 Build CCM-Step-Interaction-Matrix
Part 4 Review Build CCM-Step-Interaction-Matrix Dynamically
Part 5 Review the pCode and Dictionary
Part 6 Build and Modify DSS and SOP
Part 7 Build Generic EM

In this section, Part 7 - Build Generic EM is documented.

1.1 Tasks Summary

The development and use of EM FRS is divided into two parts:

  • Develop FRS EM (EM)
  • Develop generic EM (gEM)
  • Convert generic FRS (gEM) to instantiated FRS (iEM)

This is shown below:

1.2 Develop EM (EM)

Do the following Tasks where

N Task Sheet

Select and Open UM FRS


7.02 Allocate IO to EM UM {B1-IO}

Open a new FRS and save it using CDL Naming Convention


7.04 From UM {B1-IO} copy EM Tags and paste them in EM {B1-IO} EM {B1-IO}
7.05 Fill EM {work} for all Tags EM {Work}
7.06 Add Missing Tags to EM {B1-IO} EM {B1-IO}
7.07 Follow the instructions in {Task} and finalize EM EM {Tasks}

Save EM as a FRS using the CDL Naming Convention


1.3 Develop generic EM (gEM)

Do the following Tasks where

N Task Sheet
7.09 Convert all Tags to Alias EM {B1-IO}
7.10 Save EM in \Tools\B-Templates\Em-Templates folder

1.4 Convert generic FRS (gEM) to instantiated FRS (iEM)

Do the following Tasks where

N Task Sheet
7.11 Select and Open UM FRS UM
7.12 Assign IO to EM
7.13 Add EM in the {E1-UM-EM}
7.14 Generate iFRS from gFrs
7.15 Open iFRS and convert Alias to Tags
7.16 Review iFRS and generate DDS

2 Develop FRS EM (EM)

2.1 Select and Open UM FRS

Purpose: The purpose of this section is to open the selected UM FRS file



  1. Open the UM FRS file
  2. Open Engine and CCM Libray

2.2 7.02 - Allocate IO to EM

Purpose: The Purpose of this section are:

  • Review UM IO

  • Assign IO to UM UmR350

  • Assign IO to EM EmP350A


  1. Review UM IO {B1-IO}

    The EM Tags are allocated by adding EM350A in column X (24) as shown below:

  2. The EM has the following CCM

    1. Suction BV
    2. Pump
    3. Discharge BV

2.3 Open a new FRS and save it using CDL Naming Convention

Purpose: The purpose of this section is summarized as

  • Open CDL FRS Template

  • Save it as EM template per CDL book of conventions


  1. Open the CDL FRS Template
    • Template_P6-ProjName-FRS-NN-UmUnitName-Initital-v01a.xlsm
  2. Rename it per CDL book of convention
    • P6-CDL-FRS-01-EmP350A-YN-v01a.xlsm

    • Where

      • P6: Phase 6 of the CDL Work process

      • CDL: Company Acronym

      • FRS: Indicating it is an FRS file

      • 01: File Number

      • EmP350A: Em Name

      • YN: the control engineer initial

      • v01a: Version number

    • Make sure you fill the {ToDo} sheet

    • Type UM or EM: EM

    • EM Name: EmP350A

    • EM Description: EmP350A Pump

    • Plant Name: CDL

2.4 From UM {B1-IO} copy EM tags and paste in EM {B1-IO}

Purpose: The purpose of this section is summarized as:

  • Select and copy EM Tags in the UM {B1-IO} sheet

  • Past it in the EM {B1-IO} sheet


  1. Select and copy EM Tags in the UM {B1-IO} sheet

  2. Past it in the EM {B1-IO} sheet

2.5 Fill EM {work} for all Tags

Purpose: The purpose of this section is summarized as:

  • Add CCM information for the following CCMS in the {Work} sheet

    • Suction BV

    • Pump

    • Discharge BV


  1. Make sure you run Z >>W commands after each task

  2. Develop {Work} for Suction BV

    • The following strategy is developed for Suction BV

    • CCM: Do-01-Block-Valve

    • Missing Tag: DiFBOpen

    • The Strategy line should have the following

    {B2-Rootags} Value
    Strategy 1- Strategy Pump Suction BV
    [1] CCM-CM-Class - LibName [V] DO-01-BlockValve - CCmBlockDo
    [2] CCM-Element DO
    [3] CCM-Gen-Name EBVPumpSuction
    [4] CCM-Gen-Description Pump Suc Block Valve
    [5] CCM-Wrapper-Name EBV-35013
    [6] CM-Name EV-35013
  3. Develop {Work} for Discharge BV

    • The following strategy is developed for Suction BV

    • CCM: Do-01-Block-Valve

    • Missing Tag: DiFBClosed

    • The strategy line should have the following

      {B2-Rootags Value
      Strategy 2- Strategy Pump Discharge BV
      [1] CCM-CM-Class - LibName [V] DO-01-BlockValve - CCmBlockDo
      [2] CCM-Element
      [3] CCM-Gen-Name EBVPumpDischarge
      [4] CCM-Gen-Description
      [5] CCM-Wrapper-Name EBV-35019
      [6] CM-Name EV-35019
  4. Develop {Work} for Pump

    • The following strategy is developed for Pump

  • CCM: DO-02-Pump

  • Missing Tag:

    • DiReady | CmDigitalIn
    • AiPower | CmAnalogIn
    • AiTemp | CmAnalogIn
    • DoStop | CmDigitalOutDiFBClosed
  • The Strategy line should have the following

    {B2-Rootags Value
    Strategy 3- Strategy Pump
    [1] CCM-CM-Class - LibName [V] DO-02-Pump - CCmPump
    [2] CCM-Element DO
    [3] CCM-Gen-Name Pmp
    [4] CCM-Gen-Description Pump
    [5] CCM-Wrapper-Name Pmp-35015
    [6] CM-Name EY-35015

2.6 Add Missing Tags to EM {B1-IO}

Purpose: The CCM in the CCM Library has all children IO defined, but in UM allocation of Tags to CCM only the Root Tag should be allocated. So the Missing tags should be defined in the EM {B1-IO}


  1. Define {work} missing tags in {B1-IO}. Add -TBD to identifiy

    2.7 Add Missing Tags to {Work} sheet

    2.8 Make sure in {B1-IO} run Z >> W

2.9 Follow the instructions in {Task} and finalize EM

Purpose: The purpose of this task is to do the following:

Part 1 – Assign IO to CCM and CM

Part 2 – Mode of Operation, Steps and Transitions

Part 3- Build CCM Enablement to Steps

Part 4 – Check the E/N Dynamically

Part 5 - Review the pCode and Dictionary

Part 6 - Build and Modify SOP


  1. Please follow FRS Build guide and finalize EM

2.10 Save EM as a FRS using the CDL Naming Convention

Purpose: To save the EM FRS


  • Save as P6-CDL-FRS-01-EmP350A-YN-v01a.xlsm

  • Where

    • P6: Phase 6 of the CDL Work process

    • CDL: Company Acronym

    • FRS: Indicating it is an FRS file

    • 01: File Number

    • EmP350A: Em Name

    • YN: the control engineer initial

    • v01a: Version number

3 Develop generic EM (gEM)

3.1 Convert all Tags to Alias

Purpose: The Purpose of this section is to convert all tags in FRS EM to an alias. for example FT-3401 tag will have an alias of {{FT-Feed}} it is recommended tag the alias is built from Tag Identifier such as FT or LT and the number is replace by a simple word describing the tag.


  1. Convert all FRS Tags to Alias
    • Select {B1-IO} sheet
    • Press CTRL + T
  2. Select [G] Advanced - Build gEM..
  3. Review {Temp} sheet
  4. The following data is extracted
    • \

    • The {Temp} sheet

    • The data in {Temp} sheet is defined as

      Column header Value
      A Index 1
      B Sheet B1-IO
      C TagName EV-35019
      D TagDescription P350A Product BV Pump Discharge  (Close | Open)
      E Alias EV-35019
      F {{Alias}} {{EV-35019}}
  • The user should change the column E (Alias) to a generic name

  • The easiest way to do this is as follow

    • Copy column 5 to column 7

    • Use Data >> Text to Column >> Delimited >> use “-”

    • In Column 9 add generic name

    • In column 10 add the following formulas

      • =“{{”&RC[-2]&“-”&RC[-1]&“}}”
    • Remove rows from Step and Transition

    • Copy Column 10 and paste it as value in column 6

    • Remove column 8,9 and 10

    1. Convert all FRS Tags to Alias
      • Select {B1-IO} sheet

      • Press CTRL + T

      • Select [H]

    2. Review {B1-IO}

3.2 Save EM in \Tools\B-Templates\Em-Templates folder

Purpose: The purpose of this section is to save the FRS converted to Alias tags in the \Tools\B-Templates\Em-Templates folder


  1. Save the EM FRS in the \Tools\B-Templates\Em-Templates folder
  2. Save it as EmPump-DoSuc-DoMotor-DoDisc-v01b.xlsm
    • Kept the old one as v01a

4 Convert generic FRS (gEM) to instantiated FRS (iEM)

To Add a Generic EM FRS to UM the following steps should be execute

  • Assign IO to EM
  • Add EM in the {E1-UM-EM}
  • Generate iFRS from gFrs
  • Open iFRS and convert Alias to Tags
  • Review iFRS and generate DDS

4.1 Assign IO to EM

Purpose: To Add a Generic EM FRS to UM


  1. Open UM FRS

    • Open the following file

    • P6-CDL-FRS-03b-UmR350-1EM-YN-v01a.xlsm

  2. Select {B1-IO} Sheet

    • Review EM allocated IO

4.2 Add EM in the {E1-UM-EM}

Purpose: To Add a Generic EM FRS to UM the following steps should be execute


  1. Open UM FRS

    • Open the following file

    • P6-CDL-FRS-03b-UmR350-1EM-YN-v01a.xlsm

  2. Select {E1-UM-EM} Sheet

    • Press keys CTRL + T

    • Select the [E1] option

      4.3 Press the following keys CTRL + T

      Column Header Value Comment
      1 Issues
      2 N 1
      3 UM-Name UmR350
      4 EM-Name EMP350A
      5 Num EM Tags 13
      6 EM Description [Add Em Description] To be added by user
      7 EM Path C:\Users\yahya\Dropbox\__2023_CDL\CDL-Products\Tools\B-Templates\Em-Templates\
      8 EM Template [V] [Select EM Template] To be added by user
      9 EM File Name P6-CDL-iFRS-1-03b-UmR350-EMP350A.xlsm
  • Please add the following
    • EM Description: P350A Pump

    • EM Template: EmPump-DoSuc-DoMotor-DoDisc-v01b.xlsm

4.4 Generate iFRS from gFrs

Purpose: To Add a Generic EM FRS to UM the following steps should be execute


  1. Press CTRL + T Keys and select [E2]

  2. Column Header Value Comment
    1 Issues
    2 N 1
    3 UM-Name UmR350
    4 EM-Name EMP350A
    5 Num EM Tags 13
    6 EM Description P350A Pump Added by user
    7 EM Path C:\Users\yahya\Dropbox\__2023_CDL\CDL-Products\Tools\B-Templates\Em-Templates\
    8 EM Template [V] EmPump-DoSuc-DoMotor-DoDisc-v01b.xlsm Added by user
    9 EM File Name P6-CDL-iFRS-1-03b-UmR350-EMP350A.xlsm

4.5 Open iFRS and convert Alias to Tags

Purpose: To review and edit iFRS


  1. in UM FRS select {E1-UM-EM} sheet

  2. Open the iFRS in cell R2C9

    • EmPump-DoSuc-DoMotor-DoDisc-v01b.xlsm
  3. Open {B1-IO} sheet

    • The column A (1) contains IO assignment from UM
  4. The program has added pull-down for AI, AO, Di and DO tags in UM

    • Pull-downs for DO
    • Using the above DO Pull-Downs the {B1-IO} looks like
    • Pull-Down for DI
    • Pull Down for AI
    • Pull-Down for AO (Non for this example)
    • The overall {B1-IO} looks like:
  5. Copy selected tags from {B1-IO} Column A to {Temp}

    • Press CTRL + T keys

    • Select option [D]

4.6 Review {Temp} Sheet

  1. Change the Tag Names in column E that are “Not-Found”
    • Review {B1-IO}
    • Press CTRL + T
    • Select [F]
    • Review and remove them

4.7 Review iFRS and generate DDS

Purpose: This is the final action to be taken for an iEM.


  1. Make sure all task in {Task} sheet are completed
  2. Do the following tasks
  3. In {B1-IO} Sheet
    • Press CTRL + T keys
    • Do [B7] Delete all D_Ccm Sheets
    • Do [B4] Add CCM from Lib and add Data
  4. Select {C5-CCM-Steps} Sheet
    • Do [C4] Add CCM Enable Logic
  5. It will generate a DSS Report
    • Review and Save it

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