P6-L Simulate UM-EM Part 3


CTRL Designer LLC



1 Simulate UM-EM Communication

The following file is used in this documentation:

  • folder: \Tools-Engines
  • file: CDL-P6-UM-EM-Simulation.xlsm

The FRS work process is divided into nine parts:

Index Description
Part 1 Assign IO to CCM and CM
Part 2 Mode of Operation, Steps, and Transitions
Part 3 Build CCM-Step-Interaction-Matrix
Part 4 Review Build CCM-Step-Interaction-Matrix Dynamically
Part 5 Review the pCode and Dictionary
Part 6 Build and Modify DSS and SOP
Part 7 Review FRS with MAC
Part 8 Modify CCM Lib and regenerate D-Sheets
Part 9a Add Generic EM to UM
Part 9b Convert instantiated EM to generic Em
Part 9c Simulate U-EM

In this section, Part 9c - Simulate UM-EM is documented.

The following files are used to develop the UM-EM Simulation:

UM UmR340 - Folder: \Projects-VRT-20236-FRS-Functional-Requirement-Specification - File: P6-CDL-FRS-02b-UmR350-2EM-YN-v01a.xlsm

EM Em - Folder: \Tools-Templates-Templates - File: EmPump-DoSuc-DoMotor-DoDisc-v01a.xlsm (Generic EM) - File: P6-CDL-iFRS-1-02b-UmR350-EMP350A.xlsm (Instantiated EM) - File: P6-CDL-iFRS-2-02b-UmR350-EMP350B.xlsm (Instantiated EM)

1.1 Simulation Design

The simulation is developed using Excel VBA and has the following sections:

  • Information

  • UM Step Diagram

  • EM Step Diagram

  • Command Section

  • UM to EM and EM to UM Communication

  • Log

1.2 Information

This part displays the current information about the simulation:

The section parts are explained below:

Index What Description Comment
1 Time Timestamp of last cycle
2 UM Select Step UM current step
3 UM Request Sent The UM Request sent to the EM
4 EM Step (Row) The row number of 1st MoO EM Step
5 Current EM Step (Row) The row number of the Current EM Step
6 EM Status Returned The EM Status returned to the UM

1.3 UM Step Diagram

This part displays the UM step diagram:

The active step has a green background, the inactive steps have a yellow background. The transitions are shown with a gray background.

1.4 EM Step Diagram

This part displays the UM step diagram

Index What Description Comment
1 EM Step EM Step Number
2 Mode of Oper Mode of Operation
3 Pump Em350A Step Name
4 UM Request Target Assigned UM Request
5 Step Time Time Stamp of Execution
6 Alarm Alarm Status
7 MoO Status MoO Status
8 Status Step Status
9 Next step Next step Row
10 Suc BV Suction BV (C Close) (O Open)
11 Pump Pump Motor (S Stop) (R Run)
12 Disc BV Discharge BV (C Close) (O Open)

1.5 Command Section

This part displays the command to execute the simulation

The commands are

Index What Description Comment
1 [1] OPER ACK

The operator acknowledges the program request to move a step forward, or

Move em Step forward

2 [2] Run 1 Sec Execute simulation 1 step forward
3 [3] Reset Reset simulation
4 [4] Run Run the program continuously

The normal order of execution should be

  • Click the [3] Reset

  • Click the [4] Run (can be stopped by pressing the “End” key)

  • Acknowledge the OPER ACK request

However, to understand the simulation, the order should be

  • Click the [3] Reset

  • Click the [2] Run 1 Sec

  • Acknowledge the OPER ACK request

1.6 UM to EM and EM to UM Communication

The following shows the current communication between UM and EM and EM back to UM

1.7 Log

The following shows the log of events

Index What Description Comment
1 Log-N Index of Log
2 Log Time Timestamp of log
3 UM Current UM Step
4 EM MoO EM mode of Operation
5 EM Step EM Step

1.8 Normal Operation

Purpose: The purpose of this task is to check the design of UM-EM communication

To Do: Do the following tasks:

  1. Click the [3] Reset button

  2. observe the communication

  3. once it is at SD click the No button on the operator acknowledgement to stop

The log of this operation is shown below:

The operation of the Block Valves and Pump Motor are shown below

In m01 and m02 the Motor is stopped first and the block valves. in m03 motor is assumed running (not turning it on and then off). However, when m03 starts the block valves are turned on first.

1.9 Abnormal Operation

Purpose: The purpose of this task is to show if the UM sends a request and EM encounters an alarm, the UM step can not proceed.

To Do: Do the following tasks:

  1. Click the [3] Reset button

  2. Change cells R12 C14 from True to False (Pull Down)

    1. Click the [4] Run button

The above error is presented to the operator.

The program then can not proceed forward.

2 Development of FRS UM - EM

The following files are used to develop the UM-EM Simulation:

UM UmR340 - Folder: \Projects-VRT-20236-FRS-Functional-Requirement-Specification - File: P6-CDL-FRS-02b-UmR350-2EM-YN-v01a.xlsm

EM Em - Folder: \Tools-Templates-Templates - File: EmPump-DoSuc-DoMotor-DoDisc-v01a.xlsm (Generic EM) - File: P6-CDL-iFRS-1-02b-UmR350-EMP350A.xlsm (Instantiated EM) - File: P6-CDL-iFRS-2-02b-UmR350-EMP350B.xlsm (Instantiated EM)